1.4. Citing the CICE codeΒΆ

Each individual release has its own Digital Object Identifier (DOI), e.g. CICE v6.1.2 has DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3888653. All versions of this lineage (e.g. CICE6) can be cited by using the DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1205674 (https://zenodo.org/record/1205674). This DOI represents all v6 releases, and will always resolve to the latest one. More information can be found by following the DOI link to zenodo.

If you use CICE, please cite the version number of the code you are using or modifying.

If using code from the CICE-Consortium repository main branch that includes modifications that have not yet been released with a version number, then in addition to the most recent version number, the hash at time of download can be cited, determined by executing the command git log in your clone.

A hash can also be cited for your own modifications, once they have been committed to a repository branch.

Please also make the CICE Consortium aware of any publications and model use.